@article{oai:keiwa.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000589, author = {Brown, James B.}, journal = {敬和学園大学研究紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper, The decreasing population of high school graduates is putting pressure on many private colleges in Japan as they struggle to find enough students to fill their enrollment slots. Famous universities and colleges in major urban areas can often attract enough students, but regional institutions are left without a population base on which to survive. The orientation of many four-year colleges towards the academic education of 18 to 22-year olds has proven to be an obstacle to continued survival. The shrinking bottom of the demographic pyramid,however ,is only part of the picture. As Japan's population ages and economic conditions change,the opportunities for expansion of the traditional educational market are also increasing. This paper will explain the situation among Japanese colleges and define how a “new educational market”might supplement traditional sources of enrollment.}, pages = {53--72}, title = {Private Colleges and the Emerging New Educational Market in Japan}, volume = {11}, year = {2002}, yomi = {ブラウン, ジェイムズ} }